Saturday, August 17, 2013

LOOK WHO'S TALKING : IBB knocks Obasanjo's Attack on Younger Politicians Despite Doing Same 3 Years Ago ...Says Obasanjo’s attack on younger politician is opinionated

Former military president, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, has allayed fears of a break up of Nigeria by 2015. He said contrary to the prediction by the United States of America , the nation would remain an indivisible entity. He said what was predicted was a grand design to create fear in the minds of Nigerians, which should be discarded. He added that Nigeria is a country which reports about it are over-exeggerated.
Commenting on the palpable fear in the minds of the people, ahead of the 2015 elections, IBB, who spoke during a pre-birthday interview with journalists in Minna at his noted that he could not see the country disintegrating as the proponent of the idea would want Nigerians to believe.
His words, “I can’t see that happening. We should not give prominence to that predictions. You in the media too should not give it prominence and if it will happen, I will know before now. People say it to create fear in the minds of Nigerians. Honestly, forget disintergration in 2015. “One of the most amazing country is Nigeria.
If you leave out side it, you will think the world is coming to an end with the kind of things you hear, only to come back and find people play foot ball.” On the recent comment by former President Olusegun Obasanjo that the crop of younger political leaders lack integrity, the elder statesman said though he had not read what he said, he believed some younger politicians were doing well and Obasanjo was just expressing his opinion, especially when there were high expectations from the older generation on the younger. Said he: “I am not sure I read what he said….
May be it is an opinion, may be because our opinion of them is very high. It is a normal situation. But, I think the younger generation are not doing badly.” He also reasoned that currently, the nation is going through difficult times and it is the capacity to hold it together that makes it a great nation. He therefore stressed the need for Nigerians to remain steadfast in love and peace.

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