Saturday, February 16, 2013

GOLDIE IN REVIEW : REVEALED! The ‘Secret’ Goldie Kept From The World

The secret Goldie Harvey tried to hide from the world – maybe not hide, she was probably trying to protect him – has finally been exposed.

wedding one  

Years ago,  Goldie gave an in-depth interview to a Nigerian newspaper and there she talked about several intimate subjects – her mother’s death when she was a young child, living and studying for her degree in the UK, her entrepreneurial pursuits and also her marriage.
However, she never made mention of her marriage in other interviews, she preferred keeping it PRIVATE – So Many Nigerians, if not all, assumed that she was either divorced or UN-married…especially when the Prezzo love drama set in.

The Man She Probably Never Wanted You To Meet:
Well, Goldie Harvey’s Husband, Andrew, decided to show himself to the world by posting online: ‘Memories of my darling wife;a few pictures of my moments with her before she died last Thursday’ a few hours ago.

andrew harvey

Of course, so many fans were taken by surprise, and they began asking questions….which Andrew surprisingly answered. He answered all the questions especially those that revolved around Prezzo… ”media games dear, media games and they sap it all up willingly!…Prezoo was a BBA game and we decided to let it run a while. We both agreed our privacy was more important when she was alive, now you all shall know” he explained.

Reaction of fans to the revelation
Chika Ajaegbo : @Andrew, She was with you in Malaysia b4 travelling to the US? Probably to ask for a divorce. I can’t seem to find any recent pic you took together. Her love for Prezzo was obviously not a bba game because your reply to talkofnaija blog’s report( on Prezzo being devastated and coming to Nigeria)-”"Prezzo please leave our family to grieve, you have caused enough hurt and pain”, indicates that there was more to it.. #justsaying. RIP Goldie

Phelelani Myoyo:  I think Andrew Harvey is Jealous because Goldie was no long in love with him and his marriage was not in a public eye, that’s why his digging all these files.

Chinwe Ngozi Anyanwu Ikwecheghe:  Goldie has every right to keep her marriage secret to protect it frm over zealous paparazzi. The flirtation game btw her and prezzo was blown out of proportiön by fans… Mr Andrew is simply mourning his wife as he deems fit…he owes d public no explanations why he’s making their relatiönship public now

Charles Emego:  Condolences to Goldie’s Family and I am proud of you Andrew Harvey for sharing those nice memories. She was full of potentials but her life was cut short.

May The Lord give You, All her Family and Friends the fortitude to bear the Loss.Husband has appeared after death abi, wat is Goldie worth in assets nd cash let’s know. Everyone that ff Goldie nd Prezzo know that any husband out there should have opposed a long time ago. Na waa oh.

Andrew Harvey’s Interview with NET
Aggrieved Andrew Harvey who wedded Goldie in 2005, has described her as the most beautiful women he ever met. He disclosed that “I work in Malaysia, we have a private home in UK, I do not have a second family” adding that they were “both planning to have kids this year”
Describing how he managed the Prezzo drama, he said “Prezzo was part of BBA game, just like in the movies, there was nothing to fear…it dragged beyond BBA because the media dragged it, other wise it would have died naturally. Prezzo will say anything to get attention”

goldie and prezzo 

Attesting that Goldie actually DID like Prezzo at first, Andrew said “She liked him initially, but began to despise him and distanced herself as he tried to use her she complained”
On the cause of her death, he stated clearly that she wasn’t suffering from any “medical condition” and then he said “An autopsy is being carried out and we will await results. The rest is speculation and hearsay”.

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