Tuesday, August 6, 2013

SCANDALOUS SCANDAL : Gov. Mimiko and Wife in Naked Fight over UK based Mistress ... Paparazzi Press

Gov. Mimiko and Wife in Naked Fight over UK based Mistress
These are not the best of times for the first couple of Ondo State, His Excellency, Dr. Olusegun Rahman Mimiko, and his wife, Mrs. Olukemi Mimiko, as information at our disposal suggests that they have turned the Alagbaka government house to a battle field of some sort.
According to reports emanating from a US based online news portal, PSN, the cause of the “roforofo” fight between the hitherto respected couple is the unholy romantic liaison between Gov. Mimiko, popularly called “Iroko” by his followers and a UK Based Nigerian nurse, Mrs. Temitope Adeniyi. 
Gov. Mimiko’s mistress, popularly known as Temmy by her circle of friends in the UK is said to be a mother of three and married to a journalist in the employ of a popular national newspaper here in Nigeria.
According to PSN correspondent who has been investigating the issue for sometime, the bubble burst when madam first lady, Mrs. Kemi Mimiko got to know from an aid of the governor about the sexual escapades of medical doctor turned politician husband with Mrs. Adeniyi. Investigations also revealed that the aid that played the Judas on Gov. Mimiko  one of the aids that usually travel with him on his frequent foreign trips.

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