Friday, September 13, 2013

A CLEAR WARNING TO ALL THOSE INDIAN RAPISTS STILL ON THE LOOSE : Delhi gang rape: Four men sentenced to death for brutal bus attack on Indian student .... KUDOS TO THE GOVT AND INDIAN JUSTICE SYSTEM ... SEE THE FACES OF THESE MINDLESS SEX OFFENDERS ... Yeye de smell.

The 23-year-old woman was raped and brutally beaten after being lured on to a bus. She died of her injuries two weeks later.

These are the faces of the four men sentenced to death for the brutal gang rape and murder of a young woman on a bus in New Delhi last December, in an attack that sent shock waves across India.
Judge Yogesh Khanna, who convicted the men of gang rape and "cold-blooded" murder earlier this week, rejected their lawyers’ plea for a lighter sentence and demanded they be "hanged by the neck till they are dead".
He stressed it was important the men were made an example of to put a stop to the type of "gruesome" sex crimes he said had become "rampant" in India, at the end of one of the most notorious criminal trials in  the country's history.
One of the four convicted men broke down in tears as the group were told they would hang for their crimes, while people in the public gallery cheered at the sentence.
Judge Khanna added: "This has shocked the collective conscience of society."
Bus cleaner Akshay Kumar Singh, gym instructor Vinay Sharma, fruit-seller Pawan Gupta, and unemployed Mukesh Singh abducted, raped and killed the 23-year-old physiotherapy student in a horrendous attack on December 16 2012.
She had been travelling home from a movie with a male friend in southern Delhi when five men lured the pair on to a bus, before repeatedly raping and torturing her with a metal bar in a sickening attack that lasted for an hour.
They were then dumped, naked and semi-conscious on a road, but the woman's injuries were so severe that she died in hospital two weeks later.
One of the five men arrested in connection with the attack committed suicide in prison in March, while a teenager was sentenced to three years in prison last month - the maximum sentence that be given to juveniles under Indian law.
The judge's ruling still has to be ratified by the Delhi High Court, and the four men can appeal all the way to the Supreme Court. Even if the sentences are upheld there, the final decision must be confirmed by the president, who has the power to grant clemency.
The appeals process could take years, lawyers said.
A.P. Singh, who represented two of the convicts in the trial, said hours before the sentencing that it would be "based on the emotions of the people".
"This sentencing is under political pressure," he said.
But the victim's parents said their daughter's dying wish was for her attackers to be "burned alive", and her father told Delhi-based NDTV after today's sentencing: "We are very happy. Justice has been delivered. They did not spare her. Why should they be shown any mercy?"
The victim's mother, who hugged a police officer outside court after the sentences were announced, added: "Today we can breathe a little easier.
"I hope the conviction will deter people from committing such crimes in future."
Following last year's shocking attack, there were protests across India about the lack of safety for women in the country, prompting law makers to pass new tougher legislation to better protect them against sex crimes.

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