Friday, October 3, 2014

HOW WELL HAVE WE PERFORMED? : Mo Ibrahim Governance Index ranks Nigeria among worst governed countries in Africa ,,, TheScoop

Mo Ibrahim
Once again, NIGERIA has performed badly in the Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG) which was released on Monday.
At 45.8 per cent, NIGERIA performed worse than both the African average (51.5 per cent) and the West African average (52.2 per cent).
Of the 52 African countries measured, NIGERIA was ranked 37th, and in West Africa, Nigeria occupied the 12th position out of 15 countries ranked.
The top four governed countries, according to the IIAG which is sponsored by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, are Mauritius (81.7 per cent), Cape Verde (76.6 per cent), Botswana (76.2 per cent) and South Africa (73.3 per cent).
The IIAG is an annual assessment of the quality of governance in African countries.
Interestingly, neighbours like Ghana (7th), Benin Republic (18th), NIGER (29th), Liberia (31st), Cameroun (34th) and Togo (36th) all placed ahead of Nigeria.
Nigeria got poor ratings in safety and the rule of law where it is rated 44th with 38.1 per cent, 32nd in the rule of law with 41.0 percent and 30th in accountability with 36.6 percent.
The country got its lowest rating in personal safety where it is ranked 49th with 16.5 per cent and second lowest in national security where it is ranked 48th with 58.2 per cent.
Under participation and human rights, the country is rated 26th with 46.9 per cent, 31st on sustainable economic opportunity with 43.3 per cent and 34th in human development with 53.0 per cent.

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