Sunday, October 20, 2013

SIGNS OF THE TIMES : Religious House Of Commotion? As 5-6 Churches Worship On Same Building ... AmazingStoriesAroundTheWorld

Satan is a master of confusion and rebellion. He promotes greed among christians to create confusion. Everyone of these churches wants to be a founder, pastor, bishop, Daddy GO, Mummy General etc etc. We shall see more of these so long as christians hang their fates on the necks of these deceitful gospel profiteerers. And the ultimate reasons/motive for this mess is Poverty, tithe collection, and offerings. The HOLY BOOK has already said it, '' at the last time, many fasle preachers shall arise, and will decieve many''. Someone  once said, remove the payment of tithe, offerings and the so-called seed sowing from christianity and 95 percent of all the churches will disappear over night. Most of these churches were established for the sole popurses of economic gains rather than sole winning.

Secondly another major issue compromising Christianity is 'denomination'. We claim to worship one God, yet we have different denominations with different doctrines. As if that is not enough, we see members speaking against doctrines of other denominations for whatever reasons. sometimes one wonder why everyone can't come together to worship and have one serviceSame bible, same Jesus, same songs sometimes. Everyone is pulling at his/her own direction, in the name of God?  God of Unity? And Oneness? Why can't one of the pastors of these churches say/do exactly what John the baptist said/did "Christ must increase while I decrease".  we really need God's direction in this our pathway to salvation we are

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