Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2015 CAMPAIGN DRAMA. SEASON 2 : Jonathan, Aondoakaa Posters Flood Abuja

Campaign posters announcing President Goodluck Jonathan’s interest to contest the 2015 presidential election were yesterday sighted at strategic locations in Abuja, the nation’s capital.
The campaign posters were seen at major streets and bus stops such as Berger bridge, Deeper life junction and streets in Wuse and Central Business District where major government and private business offices are located.
Recall that early January, similar posters were seen in various parts of the capital city.
However, this time around, the colourful campaign posters designed in the colours of the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP),  with its umbrella logo, were married with the picture of former Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) and Minister of Justice, Michael Kaase Aondoakaa, as contender for Benue State government house.
The message on the poster reads “A Reconciled Nigeria”, “2015”, “Jonathan for President” and “Aondoakaa for Governor, Benue state.”
Like other campaign materials ahead of the 2015 contest adorning public places in some cities, in recent time, this latest one did not indicate the source or the sponsor of the campaign.
It was also not clear why the sponsors of the message chose to place the former AGF’s picture side by side with Jonathan’s.
Recall following the surfacing of 2015 presidential campaign posters in Abuja at the dawn of the new year, President Jonathan had immediately disowned the posters saying that it did not emanate from the presidency as, “the president has not authorised anybody to print any campaign poster for him as regards the 2015 elections.”

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