Monday, February 18, 2013

STRANGE LOOK ALIKES : Fascinating: Meet TOTAL strangers who look like twins (PHOTOS)

Seeing double? No, these people aren’t twins — they’re actually not even related! Take a look at a fascinating project done by Canadian Francois Brunelle. Brunelle’s “I’m Not a Look-Alike” project finds complete strangers who bear an uncanny resemblance to one another. Here, with their blonde bobs, bangs and sweet smiles, Danièle Boucher and Jovette Desmarais could pass for sisters! Check out more unrelated “twins” …

Wow! Rudi Kistler and Maurus Oehman look so similar, we’re guessing even the pair’s family members would have a hard time distinguishing between the two.

Brunelle has been working on his “I’m Not a Look-Alike Project” for 12 years, as he tracks down people from all different countries and cities. Here, Édith Préfontaine and Stéphanie Tremblay’s nearly identical smiles (check out those matching chins!) make them dead ringers for each other.

Brunelle came up with the idea for his project based on a few of his own experiences, including a resemblance to one very funny TV character. “I was inspired by two things: First I used to see look-alikes all over since a very long time,” he said. “Second, my own likeness with TV character Mr Bean.” Jean Vachon and Jacques-Dominique Landry, one of the 62-year-old’s pairs of look-alikes, are a sight to behold with their matching features.

Are these girls identical twins? They sure look like it. Actually, strangers Morgan Bowden and Imogen Rawe just bear striking similarities to each other.

Normand Lévesque and Claude Mauffette’s balding heads aren’t the only thing the two have in common. With their eerily similar faces, it’s a wonder how these two are not related.
Montrealer Brunelle is a whiz when it comes to finding these could-be twins. His black and white shot of doppelgangers Nina-Rose Singh and Anna Rubin –with their similar noses and pouts — makes it look as though they could definitely share blood.

Amazing! Even though Tamara Stomphorst and Sandra Meines have different hair colors, their whole faces look to be carbon copies of each other.

William Helsen and Manfred Diez could certainly pass for brothers. They also have an identical amount of scruff!
“The project is about sharing the passion that I have for the likeliness in people,” Brunelle said. Carmen Apitzsch and Kerstin Rubin defintiely fit the bill for the photographer. Look at those nearly identical noses!
NY Daily News

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