Wednesday, June 12, 2013

WOMEN IN ISLAM ... STRIGHT FROM THE HEART OF A WOMAN : One of the best minds I know, Maryam Isma Muazu, just said this from another discussion. It is profound and very educative ... ZAINAB ABBA HALIRU ON FACEBOOK

One of the best minds I know, Maryam Isma Muazu, just said this from another discussion. It is profound and very educative.
"1) Islam is still practiced using centuries old 'laws' in the 21st century. There is the belief that the Quran is the word of God so to adjust anything, even that which makes us very, very uncomfortable, to the current times is considered 'Haram'. 2) These cultures believe that an educated woman is an unmanageable woman but a 10 year old girl can be beaten, raped and brainwashed into submission. 3) The value of women in these societies is like that 'of a shoe that you use until it is worn out and tattered then simply get another one'. That is actually a common saying in different variations, across these regions. 4) which brings me to polygamy...these people are very, very poor but have several wives and many children. Traditionally, their abodes are structured in a way where once a male child becomes 8 or 9, there is an outer room for him to mov to, with other male children. No one leaves home until married. Therefore, th girls still remain in their mothers room, which is ok when they are under six. Once they get to 7 or 8, there is an unspoken embarrassment by both parents that the girls are aware of th sex taking place, even if they don't totally understand the mechanics of the action. Solution. Farm them out, killing two birds (pun intended) with one action. Less mouths to feed and less embarrassment. All these problems are the same problems all other Abrahamiac religions had to contend with, and adjust their beliefs accordingly. Muslims say that we have to practice the religion, exactly how the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did and to that I say, why do we ride in cars and not camels, why do we tell time by clocks and not by the sun, why do we phone and email and not send Ismail on a camel to ride for 5 days, from Kaduna to Zaria, to deliver greetings to families? Why do we pick and join just what will remain constant especially all those thing regarding women, while providing a leeway to adapt in those things regarding men....remember in those times, women did not work and they were provided with everything and even paid for housework, childbirth etc but we never hear anything about that, abi? And as long as the religion of Islam refuses to evolve with the times, the people of Islam will lag behind in social issues in the world. On a last note, check what Algeria is in the process of doing? Streamlining Sharia laws to reflect the present society and measure it against the progress made since that began. Many would disagree with my posting. I might even get a few veiled insults but I guess Ya Allah gave me a brain, a mouth and reproductive organs for a reason and I am allowed to use any as I see fit so as a muslim, I shall not constrain my options and neither should any Muslim girl...


  1. Madam,
    First let me appreciate your post. Also let me quickly debunk that Islamic Shariah (Laws) are old or out of fashion- in fact, the laws are restrict in certain areas because ALLAH (our Creator) knows the nature of the humans He's creating. You won't query a manufacturer if his manual is strict as long as it is written in the language you understand and so long as you need the product badly.

    The fundamental laws are strictly fundamental as in the laws of worships, criminal, business transactions, relationships, rights, inheritance, etc. If you don't observe them according to the dictate of the CREATOR, you won't be prosecuted in this world but the entire society will face the consequences just as we have today- where the rich get richer and the poor getting poorer with serious security implications worldwide making the world unsafe. Today, we also have women in the US, Germany, France, UK, etc accepting Islam on the conviction that it regulates their lives and enables them to understand the essence of life- That's Islam.

    You don't have to confuse uneducated people performing rituals like Solaat (Islam daily prayers)or fasting, etc with the religion itself- ISLAM- just as we all know that a corrupt or wayward pastor does not represent Christianity. ALLAH in fact, says HE won't accept the worship of such persons in the Glorious Qur'an.

    Islam permits the girl child to go to school as the boys but that at a latter stage in life, segregate and regulate them. Islam does not prevent the woman from attaining the highest level of scholarship. Islam makes it clear that the father must adequately provide for the children and his wife (wives) without exception and must aspire to meet their needs in acceptable and Halaal (legal) ways.

    Islam is the only religion that explains inheritance and wills. More often, doing contrary to what the Qur'an prescribes have also led to disintegration of a number of families. The Rights of all creatures [humans, animals (wild or tamed) and plants]are well-protected in this Religion as conveyed by the Qur'an over 1,430 years ago.

    The issue you are probably battling with is the kind of religion being practiced by ill-informed people around us, which clearly is not Islam. This is everywhere in the world. It doesn't matter if the people speak Arabic fluently or have memorized the Qur'an. No, not at all. Arabic is just a language like Hausawa, Igbo or French. Memorization of the Qur'an is a gift. The most important requirement is understanding the little you've learnt in the Qur'an (and the Sunnah) and putting them into practical use for the benefit of your immediate community.

    The first step is to teach our people properly and encourage them to practice the religion in the legal ways of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

  2. Adebola, am very pleased to read your contribution, may Allah increase your knowledge amin. People should learn to understand ISLAM in it original form not a psuedo-islam as being practise in some part of the country. It is the responsibility of parent to give birth to number of children you can take care. Give them quality education and ensure they have source of income. Not just give birth to children and say God will provide for them it is unislamic.
    People should know islam before writing anything about it. Islam meant to salvage humanity. If you chose to abide with it tenents it is for your interest, if you decide otherwise it is for your interest.
