Monday, September 16, 2013

MAKING NIGERIA PROUD? ... WHAT MANNER OF SCIENTIFIC PROOFS : Chibuihem Amalaha, A Nigerian Student Uses Science To Prove Gay Marriage Is Wrong

A student in Nigeria is claiming he can prove gay marriage is wrong through science – and his scientific "breakthrough" is backed by his university.
Chibuihem Amalaha, who has won awards in his country for reporting on energy science and featured on various national television stations, says he used a magnet experiment to prove homosexuality is "improper".
Amalaha says his "groundbreaking" experiments show the north and
south poles of two magnets are attracted to each other while same poles repel each other.
His other high-school standard experiments include showing that negative ions are attracted to positive ones in the process of electrolysis. "That is what electrolysis is showing us, that gay marriage is wrong in the area of chemistry," he states.
Despite massive evidence that homos*xuality is all too common in nature, Amalaha further insists that biology also indicates that same-s*x attraction is unnatural.
"We have seen that the female of a fowl is called hen and the male of a fowl is called a cock. We have never seen where a cock is having s*x with a cock and we have never seen where a hen is having s*x with another," the learned man states.
Amalaha claims that he's the first person in the world to scientifically show that same-s*x marriage is wrong, adding "In general, same s*x marriage is evil. It should be stopped by those practicing it".
He concludes this "means that man cannot attract another man because they are the same, and a woman should not attract a woman because they are the same. That is how I used physics to prove gay marriage wrong".
South African gay lifestyle website slammed the interview, saying it was "absurd".
"It's debatable as to whether the embarrassing article is more damming of the standard of education at the University of Lagos or of the standard of journalism at This Day," criticises writer Luiz DeBarros. "The uncritical and uninformed article is likely to add to the ignorance and prejudice surrounding homos*xuality in Nigeria."
Nigeria's laws on homosexual acts are notoriously harsh; current legislation punishes homos*xual acts with up to 14 years in jail, or, in some northern regions of the country, death by stoning.

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